Monday, June 22, 2009

Trimming your Pet Bird’s Wings

There are a lot of things that you need to know about your pet before you become a pet owner. This is true no matter what kind of animal you have, and no matter what kind of situation you find yourself in what it comes to that animal. No matter if you have a dog, cat, or a bird, you have to do research before you make that animal a part of your life, and you have to be sure that you can do all of the proper things for that animal before you find yourself in a situation where you have to take care of an animal. If you can’t take care of an animal properly you shouldn’t have it, because it is not fair to that animal.

One of the hardest things about owning a pet bird is learning how to deal with its wings. There is no magic formula for what kind of birds need certain things done for their wings, and what you should be doing. Most of the time, you should buy the pet bird in the condition that you want it to stay in, because chances are that it was done correctly wherever you got the bird from, and it might not be done correctly if you try to do it yourself.

Trimming a bird’s wings is one of these situations. There are so many things that you have to know about it before you can consider doing it. First of all, you have to take into account what kind of bird you have, and if trimming their wings is even something that is good for that bird. Then, you have to see if the situation you have the bird in even makes it possible to trim their wings. Lastly, depending on what type of bird you have and what situation you are putting that bird into, there are certain ways that you have to go about trimming the wings and there are certain ways that might hurt the bird if you do them.

Trimming a bird’s wings is something that should always be done by a professional. You should not assume that you can figure out how to do it on your own, because if you don’t do it correctly, you can damage that bird forever, and might even cause it to die. If you are considering trimming your bird’s wings, be sure that you have talked to the place where you purchased the bird, as well as to a vet, and that they both agree it is a good idea. Then, be sure that you find someone who knows how to trim your particular bird’s wings.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Aspergillosis and Your Bird

We all love to have animals, but sometimes we need to be careful that we aren’t causing ourselves more pain and suffering by having them. No matter what pet you have, there are risks that are associated with having that pet, and you are going to want to be sure that you know what they are and that you do everything you can to make sure that they don’t’ happen. Justify Full

First of all, when you have a pet bird or other animals such as birds in your yard or farm, you might run the risk of developing Aspergillosis. This comes from a fungus that can be found in compost piles or other areas where bird waste has collected. With your pet birds, there is little chance of getting Aspergillosis as long as you keep the cage clean, but if you have larger birds or if you have many birds on your property, there is a chance that you could see an outbreak of Aspergillosis if you aren’t careful.

There are several signs of Aspergillosis that you should watch out for. Since it is a general lung infection that comes from fungus, the clearest signs are going to be wheezing and coughing, as well as coughing up phlegm and an inability to breathe. You also might find yourself disoriented, and confused, or with a high fever.

The best way to avoid getting Aspergillosis or any other diseases is always to make sure that you are running clean and safe establishments. This is both for the humans as well as for the birds. You want to be sure that your animals are living in quarters that can be easily cleaned, and that are cleaned often, and you have to be sure that you dispose of the waste in a way that is not dangerous. It does no good to clean out the bird waste if it is still going to be left somewhere that humans might come in contact with it and become sick.

If you think that you or your family members have developed Aspergillosis you are going to want to be sure that you see a doctor right away. There are various stages to the illness, and the sooner you catch it the better you are going to be. You should always be sure that you are notifying your doctor about what is on your property and what you might have come into contact with as well.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Basics of Bird Anatomy

When it comes to bird anatomy, most pet bird owners have no clue about how the organs work and how the skeletal system is formed. You might not thing this topic is interesting, but it is very complex, and if you are going to know about birds, you are going to have a lot to learn!

First of all, you have the respiratory system of the birds. They have a high oxygen demand because of the high metabolic rate. This means that they have a respiratory system that is much more efficient than the one a mammal or reptile has. They can ventilate their lungs much more easily, and the lungs are the sites of gas exchange.

When it comes to their circulatory system, birds have a four-chambered heart, which is the same as most mammals. This means that they can get nutrients to their body as well as oxygen very easily. The bird’s heart is going to beat much more quickly that the mammals heart, due to what they have to do to survive.

The digestive system of birds is very interesting. Most of them have a muscular pouch that is called a crop which is formed along their esophagus. It helps them to soften food, as well as regulates the flow of that food through the bird’s system, because the food can be stored in this pouch and used as needed.

The Skeletal system of a bird is interesting as well. Because the bird is intended to fly, the skeleton is adapted for this. It is very lightweight, which would allow the bird to get off of the ground. On the other hand, it is very strong, so that it doesn’t break when a bird takes off or lands.

Birds also have a wide range of muscles, usually about 175, that are going to control how the bird moves. Birds also have very sharp eyesight, much better than that of humans. Birds are able to reproduce by making sperm and fertilizing eggs in order to breed.

All in all, the anatomy of the bird is very interesting and different from that of mammals. If you are going to be a bird owner, and if you are going to know everything there is to know about your pet bird, it is very important that you do all that you can to make sure you understand how the bird’s body works. This will help you to be a good pet owner, and it will help your bird to live a long and happy life.