Knowing Foxes
Foxes can be like dogs. They require attention and a lot of socialization. They are quite energetic, active, and curious. These intelligent creatures are also cunning, and flexible. They can easily escape, and thus it is important to see that they are secure wherever they maybe to avoid losing them.
Foxes have characteristic odors caused by oil and sweat glands. To prevent them from smelling, it is important to keep them cool and well ventilated so that they won't secret oils excessively. Occasional bathing may also be advisable but too much bathing can cause dryness that exacerbates the secretion of odor-causing oils.
Making a Home for a Fox
Foxes can be very much treated like dogs; however they should be put in secure cages when they are not being watched since they can easily escape. A dog crate is sufficient to secure them indoor, escape-proof pens may be used outdoors. When walking foxes, it is important to leash them securely enough so they can't escape.
Feeding a Fox
Foxes are omnivorous animals, they can eat almost anything. Thus it is important for them to have a balanced diet. There are commercial dry foods available on the market, specifically made for wild animals. These make great bases for their diet. Foxes may also be fed with premium cat or dog food. To make the fox’s diet varied, fruits, vegetables, eggs, mice, mealworms, and crickets may be added.
Potty Training
Many fox species can be trained to use the litter box. It is advisable to use a covered box because foxes dig in the wild when they excrete. Potty training is pretty much like the same with dogs. Give rewards and praise for each time they use the litter box, but punishments should be avoided when they defecate elsewhere. When the fox is on the verge of defecating or urinating, it should simply be moved to the litter box.
Caring for the Foxes’ Health
It is important to bring the fox to the vet regularly. Their health care is pretty much similar to dogs, and thus can be quite easy to manage.
Having an fox as an exotic pet can be rewarding. These little critters may prove to be a great companion and perhaps a best friend as well.
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